Traditional Chinese herbal medicine (TCM) has been around for thousands of years. One of the basic tenets of TCM is that the body’s vital energy (ch’i or qi) is circulating…
Alternative MedicineHerbal Medicine
Curcumin and black pepper combine to stop breast cancer tumor cells
by hadminby hadminNatural chemicals found in the spices turmeric and black pepper appear to stop the growth of breast tumor cells, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of…
Alternative MedicineHerbal Medicine
Children with cancer often use alternative medicine
by hadminby hadminNEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Many children undergoing treatment for cancer use herbal remedies, vitamins or other types of alternative therapies, a new research review suggests. The review, of 28…
Alternative MedicineHerbal Medicine
Alternative remedy use common among infertility
by hadminby hadminNEW YORK (Reuters Health) – A substantial number of American couples are looking to solve the infertility-a problem and beyond just state-of-the-art fertility treatments to therapies dating back centuries in…