Flu vaccines don’t work and natural remedies for flu prevention are better in boosting your immune system, improving your lifestyle and getting more sleep. The Cochran Collaboration studies were published in 2010 without any fanfare from the mainstream media. Only recently did Heidi Stevenson of Gaia Health pick up on it, and Jon Rappoport immediately cited her article in a Natural News article.
The Cochran study is a comprehensive study conducted by totally independent scientists, here’s their essential conclusion: Flu vaccinations don’t work.
The Cochran study shoots down the “herd immunity” fairy tale and reminds readers of how minor influenza usually is without complications from other factors. They did report that over 1.5 per million flu shot recipients came down with Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS).
GBS cripples for life if you recover from the initial, intense period of seizures after the vaccination.
Why natural remedies for flu prevention are better than flu vaccine?
The Cochran study used VAERS (vaccine adverse event reporting system), to determine the GBS incident rate. VAERS is so cumbersome and full of roadblocks that only an estimated five percent or fewer of all adverse events even get reported.
So the rate of GBS incidence is probably 10 or more times higher. Other than death itself, it ranks highly as a vaccine adverse reaction from hell.
Other adverse reactions considerably underreported include different manifestations of brain damage or simply a reduction in the level of health leading to other autoimmune diseases.
Bottom line: You’re paying money and time to gamble with something of no benefit while endangering your health. That’s a sucker’s gamble. Don’t be a sucker. Use natural means to improve your immunity against influenza.
Four easy, natural immune system promoters
Surely you know about vitamin D3. Ignore D2. It’s toxic. And don’t trust pharmacy store vitamin D. Vitamin D3 is a pre-hormone that kick starts your immune system if you have enough in your bloodstream.
If you’re not getting a lot of direct sunlight on exposed skin for your body to manufacture it, you need to supplement it liberally enough for your D3 blood count to be high.
Usually, 4,000 to 10,000 IU supplement doses will do the trick. But getting a vitamin D3 blood test from a health practitioner who understands vitamin D3’s real story.
Astragalus is an ancient herb used in Ayurvedic (India) and Chinese medicine as an adaptogenic tonic. Adaptogenic means that it adjusts your immune system (up or down) according to what’s needed.
This adaptogenic activity is similar to vitamin D3, which is considered an immune regulator. It should be started before any flu “season,” and it can be taken daily all the time. Astragalus can be purchased as a tincture anywhere or bulk herb powder online.
Golden seal and/or echinacea are two reliable flu and cold prevention herbs, available in tinctures or capsules. You should consult with a knowledgeable herbalist or health food store clerk to determine which is better for you.
Improve lifestyle and diet by avoiding processed foods that contain toxic additives, oils, sweeteners, and GMOs. Include generous amounts of raw garlic with your organic foods. Hydrate often with purified non-fluoridated water. If you can get real spring water, that’s perfect.
Get plenty of quality sleep and stress less. Make sure your bedroom doesn’t allow any light into it. Keep electronic and EMF devices away from your bed. Meditation, laughter, and mild exercise help handle stress and the natural remedies for flu prevention are the perfect combination.
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