Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine Books

by hadmin

Formulas and Strategies by Bensky. You must also own the companion book, Chinese Herbal medicine Materia Medica. Traditional Chinese medicine is perhaps the oldest system of health care in the world—and one of the safest and most effective. Chinese herbal medicine is also called traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese herbs.

Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine Books

If you are interested in Chinese culture, you must read the book Ben Cao Gang Mu in Chinese. It has more than 500 single herbs or extracts and nearly 300 complex formulations have been listed in the latest edition of The Pharmacopoeia of the Republic of China.

Between Heaven and Earth and The Web that has no Weaver are two books that you can have the basics of Chinese Medicine. After reading these books you will get a good understanding of the basic concepts of Chinese Medicine. The Foundations of Chinese Medicine.

You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.-Albert Camus

Other interesting books traditional Chinese herbal medicine books The Law of the 5 Elements.
If you are a consumer with little or no background there are a few good books available on Amazon.

If you are a medical professional or educator or serious student, I would recommend The Dao of Chinese Medicine. It is a very good overview of the whole theoretical model of medicine.

How does Traditional Chinese medicine work?

Traditional Chinese Medicine is a holistic system of medicine that uses many modalities to harmonize organs, systems and energetic/blood flow in the body which leads to healing and strengthening one’s body and health

Traditional Chinse Medicine is a combination of herbal medicines as well as other natural body practices like acupuncture and chiropractic care.

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